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The Ethiopia NGO Reporter 

The Ethiopia NGOs Reporter  was founded in 2015, with the objectives of producing and distributing critical analysis and reports on the activities of the international and local NGO networks in Ethiopia, for the benefit of government policy makers, journalists, philanthropic organizations and the general public. We document and publicize  and provide information and context on these issues and activities, in order to encourage informed public debate.

Ethiopia NGO Reporter is also an online blog about NGO \CSOs in Ethiopia. Boosting  the image of the CSO sector through increased accountability to community groups, and also by making the public aware of the contributions that CSOs are making to the development endeavors of the country with this responsibility comes  it also exposé  any wrong doing ,corruption and maladministration and nepotism  by engaging NGO staff and the beneficiary .In Ethiopia no dedicated NGOs\CSOs online news channel   The inception of the idea of establishing such blog  that disseminate NGOs  news and analyses  emanated from a group of professionals who  witnessed and experienced first-hand fraudulent actions, Dirty security of worst charities ,misappropriation ,nepotism, mismanagement and professional conspiracies committed by few  CSOs   Above all  Systematic and epidemic  violation of employee right

We are already established a system where NGO staffs remotely report any wrong doing . Ethiopian NGO Reporter post any report or confidential information without  to minimize biases  and maintain originality  Currently  Ethiopia NGO Reporter partners with ICT professional   volunteers  started to develop beneficiary reporting portal   and beneficiary journalism to make NGOS \CSOs more accountable  The information disseminated by Ethiopia NGO Reporter is not mere allegations, hear-says or unfounded rumors, but are based on bare facts and undefeatable evidences and research conducted for a years.

The Ethiopian Civil Society, which was started as systematized voluntary relief and development organizations over the past three to four decades have been growing into self-sufficient and productive third sector.  Until recent decades, the activities of the sector were typically and sympathetically associated with the successful accomplishments of voluntary life saving, rehabilitation and development engagements.  There successful track records have lead to official recognition of the sector, mobilization of public support and enabled to pull through casual frictions encountered with government bodies and other contemporary problems.

    Nevertheless, all the ethical, administrative, transparency and lack of proactive communication of non-state actors towards the people combined with the alleged covert political activism, terrorism and clandestine activities carried out under the guise of  NGO operation has created deep suspicion with the government and dissatisfaction among the people.  As a result, the situation is leading to stringent legal framework and tougher operational environment. The promulgation of the latest NGO law is anticipated to put the sector into difficult situation. At present the Ethiopian Civil Society is getting divided into categories, loosing its influence and rightful place in the national arena.  If continued this might curtail the futurity of the sector as a whole.

    In order to fight such a down turn move and reshape public and government opinion about the sector we need strong and proactive media campaign which voices the concerns of the sector, raises awareness about the role and contribution of the sector, redress misconceptions & misunderstandings, communicates the Vision-Mission and objective of the sector.  Through such media approach we need to unite the sector, create a forum of debate and information exchange, build image and revive the declining influence of the sector, promote ethical practices, promote current GO-NGO relations and defend, avoid any association with illegal and unethical practices.

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