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Diagnosis corruption in CCRDA the biggest Umbrella NGO in Ethiopia :Stealing From The Poor How Ai

From undisclosed source of CCRDA staff

Within a long period of my professional presence in this Organization I have observed various limitations here under belongs to CCRDA Secretariat, CCRDA Governance and

the department I am working in. I wrote a letter and summoned and discussed several times with pervious Board Chair person ( Ato Mulugeta Gebru )and some board members ( Beletu Mengistu-SHDO, Martha Nemera,-WSO and Kebede Ayele iDE ) about the professional conspiracy, nepotism, unequal treatment members NGOs, misuse of Funds, power and CCRDA infrastructure (specially car) but to no avail The board chair was promised in his e-mail reply dated Jan 21,2016 as if look in to the matter and communicate to the staff about the finding (attached letter communicated with pervious board members ) .Unfortunate the board never looked in to the matter and never communicated to the staff about the finding. In all this my professional presence I never experiences any meeting between the secretariat staff and CCRDA board member .The Executive Director also not interested to take any corrective and redressing measures.. Instead, the Executive Directors resorted to warning and silencing by summoned all staff even terminated those staffs exposed wrong doing and misappropriation of CCRDA. The very notion of this, I believe, completely outlaws CCRDA’s policy and procedure, and undermines its organizational legitimacy and integrity. Even capitalizing the already spoiled public perception against NGOs \CSOs in Ethiopia

It is to be assumed that CCRDA is mouthpiece of the third sector and an exemplary for the Civil Society in Ethiopia. Within a long period of my professional presence in this Organization, unfortunately, I was able to witness differently a blatant abuse of power, corruption, and lack of good governance mismanagement, nepotism and misappropriation.

Following are some of the evidences which testify the misappropriation in CCRDA

  1. CCRDA secretariat

  • Currently CCRDA constituency in a comma.

  • Unequal opportunity in securing funding by CCRDA members NGOs

  • As I observed during my profession presence in CCRDA one of the main challenge of NGOs in Ethiopia is securing funding for their sustainability. Up to my understanding the main challenge is not 30/70 . The other challenge the way CCRDA behave . 70/30 comes after resource is available and secured The main challenge is the scramble of scarce available resources\funds by Small segment of NGOs loyal to the Executive director\his management using strategic positioned of the Association and their position in the governing structure of the association .E.g RIF Ministry of health fund(54 million) ,PACKARD(14million birr) , CORE Group (above 72 million birr),Red Cross ( 4 million birr) . Even CCRDA compete with its members for call for proposal. For evidence see the attached Fund released to small segment of board members and its associates by conspiring with three individuals in CCRDA( The Executive Director ,FACT Director and PDMCT Director . Who access all this funding opportunities are decided by three corrupt and NGO Mafia individuals behind close door ( The Executive Director, Tseahyi Admassu and Yoseph Girma) .

  • No room staff to express their feeling

  • There is exist strong a nepotism in the organization :

  • CCRDA is a one man Organization .: CCRDA executive director relaying on authority rather than expertise to influence decision .He see him selves as being in transition ,trying to develop a sense of personal mission

  • No professionalism .CCRDA is currently a day care .currently in reality what is left in CCRDA beautiful building

  • Some of the management Members incompetent, unskilled and not proactive: They are immutably old order, allowing problem to get unresolved, allowing undesirable organizational practice In CCRDA Questioning and proactive considered as sin and crime. If you are questioning even you are immediately suspended by Executive Director without procedure stated in human resource police and without know how of immediate supervisor. Thus whey I am arguing CCRDA is a one man organization. For example staffs are terminated for they are asking their privileges and salary increment

  • There is no check and balance between the board and the executive director .I witnessed the executive director is more powerful than the board.. Board power is an assumed power

  • CCRDA by law is more authoritarian .It gives every mandate and power to the executive

  • Introducing new board election criteria by the Executive Director by violating CCRDA memorandum of association and GA mandate. For example to be CCRDA board you should have to be leadership forum and other forms members. I don’t know from this criteria came from

  • Majority of abroad travel almost 100 % is dominated by executive director

  • As I observed during my profession presence in CCRDA one of the main challenge of NGOs in Ethiopia in securing fund is not 30/70 Primary it is a CCRDA . 70/30 comes after resource is available d The main challenge is the scramble scarce available resources\funds by Small of NGOs loyal to the Executive director\his management using strategic positioned of the Association and their position in the governing structure of the association .E.g RIF Ministry of health fund(54 million) ,PACKARD(14million birr , CORE Group (above 72 million birr),Red Cross ( 4 million birr) . Really if CCRDA is transparent why not announce the available fund to all its members NGOs. I shamed of CCRDA in implanting Humanitarian Accountability. Currently CCRDA governess not have a moral and legitimate to accountable other member NGOs and lecture about accountability Shame on DCA in funding this corrupt organization

  • The I was able to witnessed CCRDA compete with its members NGOs for call for proposal and other funding opportunities to benefit small segment of its click board members by rushing the vast majority of its members NGOS . For example the RIF fund channeled to International NGOs (IOC) and that could have been channeled to local NGOs. CCRDA the main source of in creating donor fatigue in Ethiopia

  • CCRDA currently play in two cards .Sometimes it act as implementer to access funding and the other time as Consortium .

  • Deliberately establishing of leadership forum by few segments of NGOs director to scrabble resources of the secretariat. From the beginning the establishment of leadership forum undemocratic ignoring the vast majority of NGO staff. I call it dictatorship forum a forum where small dictators summoned and discussed how to punish staffs. Shame on the donor (CSSP) support this forum.

  • No organizational level thinking .Some of CCRDA management and board members are self interested \self centered

  • Systematic and epidemic violation of employee right even human right

  • Inappropriate allocation of 3 care with monthly fuel consumption for the executive director in country citizens struggle with famine to get a gram of broad to feed their children .This is completely deviate from humanitarian principle .The plate number of the allocated cars are :35-2898;35-940 and 35-954

  • Unbalance treatment of staff /partiality

  • There exist structural and legal inappropriateness of CORE Group and other projects operates under the banner of CCRDA CORE Group Ethiopia is an organization operate in CCRDA without licensee from Charity and Society Agency. CCRDA host different organization in its premises by compromising interest of its members.

  • There are two types of staff in the organization loyal to the executive Director those benefitted and the slaved staff

  • I also wittiness man made salary difference among CCRDA staff by nepotism, loyalty and negatively connotation regular staff and project staff.

  • Old establishment.

  • Embezzlement of Income generated from internal resources that should have been benefited the need through channeling of members

  • I was able to witnessed during my stay in CCRDA majority of Interns currently working in CCRDA they are relatives of staffs otherwise other relation

  • I witnessed the board be turn blind eye in controlling, nepotism, mismanagement and professional conspiracies committed against the very assets and funds of the organization.

  • I also witnessed that some members of the management committee (specially the so called PDMCT and FACT Directories have capacity limitation in all areas of their engagement equally they are architect of spoiling the other competent staff in front of the CCRDA governance by their click to cover-up their weakness. Currently the CCRDA board assigned this incompetent individual in top management position under the pretext of new structure by violating CCRDA Human resource policy manual and without background and reality check

  • Outmoded thinking e.g. Ethnical Discrimination and biases..There are few garbage individuals in CCRDA with old thinking who facilitate this type be buried idea.

  • Hosting COAHRA in CCRDA premises by providing offices without rent who embezzled public fund came in the name of needy with the influence of PACKARD.

  • All CCRDA Infrastructure and Asset subject to embezzlement in “broader day and

Light by internsICT technicians and their relatives

  • Involvements of and influence PACKARD in dismantling strong CCDA staffs who oppose corruption, nepotism and misappropriations by adopting popular cause .By the way PACKARD has previous experience and an architect in dismantling EFHA workers association to cover up corruption and nepotism .The very notion of this violate CHSA law involvement of foreign charity in Ethiopian internal affairs specially “ freedom of association of workers to protect their interest .

  • CCRDA is not an humanitarian and social service organization .Ato Abera Sehed (CCRDA staff have been working for almost for 20 years) death testify that CCRDA is an not humanitarian organization .A ll staff believe that CCRDA system is the cause for death of Ato Abera Sehed .The death of Abera is related to poverty . The money asked by hospitals should have been covered CCRDA. If CCRDA is really a social service organization first should have to save its staff. One day the true store and death of Ato Abera will reveal to the media and the people of Ethiopia . Shame on CCRDA board and the donor for serving and funding this nepotistic and inhuman organization .

  • CCRDA is a one man organization and self-Centered undemocratic organization. Implantation of new CCRDA structure without involvement of staff expose that how this organization is run by few a group of Mafia Cartel .

  • Ethiopian Constitution allows that everybody can exercise their belief and religion likewise prohibited the exercise religion and belief in market place, offices, schools and etc. But what I witnessed in CCRDA Every Friday I heard that there is a preach and religious ceremony in CCRDA premises in the office. This completely outlaw not only core values of CCRDA also outlaw the Constitution..

  • The one I witnessed is the promotion of staff is not merit based or performance based promotion is given on loyalty to the executive director

  • Some of the position with high salary filled by staff loyal to the Executive Director otherwise relative of PDMCT and FACT Director .This done deliberately to cover up misuse of fund came in the name of the needy and members. For example the Executive Director assigned an intern illegally in Personnel position and to control CCRDA internal resources and income generation from Cafeteria, Guesthouse and training rooms to cover-up maladministration .Some of the management members will testify about this nepotism.

  • Loyalty than professionalism. CCRDA is not a place for a man of principled and courageous staff.

  • CCRDA is governed by self centered and immature management

  • All donation currently Channeled to CCRDA is by the goodwill of the donor

  • CCRDA funds are subject to embezzlement in day light .E.g WHO fund ,PACKARD,DCA,HAPCO ,RIF ,Bread for the World ,Gate foundation and etc .for evidence attached Gate Foundation fake financial and budget utilization report . The evidence I attached simple for exhibit. In CCRDA reporting activities that not done as if it as done and fake budget utilization repot as if it is utilized is a norm in every project.

  • All CCRDA Infrastructure and Asset subject to embezzlement in “broader day and Light by interns and their relatives. Ex. telephone usage ,ICT

  • False financial and program activity report

  • Embezzling of cars came in the name of the needy by some of top management – For example under the pretext of income generation CCRDA cars rented .Under this banner few management members rented cars for the services of their private business and PLC . For example recently FACT Director using her position rented 35 code pickup for her family construction company for a long period. CCRDA drivers can testify

  • I witnessed that there are old trend still exist in CCRDA by deliberately delaying the activities that should have been done on time for example some staff to achieve their selfish interests, training request was made at eleven hours without members need assessment under the usual and often misleading pretext of “ sense or urgency” and fund utilization taking advantage of loyalty to executive director . This is type of nepotism are norm in CCRDA and exercised in everywhere.

  • CCRDA is system is empowered and encourage corrupted individual .For example CCRDA leaders prefer that staff loyal to them securing additional income illegally than adding salary for all staff across the board . E.g Deliberately Facilitate trainers from staff loyal(Capacity building Team Leader ) to the executive director. Unless loyal to the executive director such type privilege not work for other staff. Staff

  • Deliberately deleting of articles privileges staffs from pervious Human resource Policy manual without consent of majority staff. E.g 10% annual salary increment, study leave and etc. Adding of articles that privileges the Executive Director .E.g Family benefit package ,accommodation and etc .This is what am arguing in 8 years of my professional presence CCRDA is a one man and PLC. not humanitarian and social service organization

  • Staffs are subject to punishment for they are asking salary increment .For example termination of two staffs in recent times for they are organizing staff and made petition for salary increment.

  • Family benefit package only allowed for the excusive director

  • Human resource manual of CCRDA modified many times by executive director without involvement of secretariat staff

  • CCRDA insurance scheme not uniform

  • Outmoded Capacity Building Program -E.g . providing of one type of outmoded training trough out the year (Project Cycle management ) to benefit individuals and to purchase client and loyalty .Even the training given not for members NGOs .Majority of participant of the training given by Capacity Building Team are interns but reported to donors as if members NGOs Participated in the training .This is completely professional crime

  • Wrongly implementation of EU.CS Fund under the pretext of “ sense or urgency” and for the sake of reporting purpose .For example provided training for intern and reporting to EU as if CCRDA members participated in the training

  • CCRDA never ever evaluated by independent body to answer what CCRDA is doing? For whom doing? How many fund raised? For whom channeled and for what purpose? How many incomes generated from internal resources? For what propose used. The so called annual auditing is for the sake of formality.

  • Fake and meaningless weekly management meeting. The weekly management meeting agenda is simply to flattering each other .In all my professional presence I never witnessed the contribution of CCRDA that directly or indirectly change and impacted the life of the Ethiopia poor . I heard in every annual GA meeting CCRDA annual budget exceeds 100,000 million. If this so who benefited from this huge amount of money? The beneficiary, members or others If members who are they?

  • Lack of innovation and proactive in service delivery of CCRDA that will help increasing sustainability of members NGOs

  • CCRDA is not understand NGO in Ethiopia is currently in depression .CCRDA failed to recognize the complexity of its members problems and failure to search innovativeness for way of coping with it .All services including trainings ,workshops ,seminars and events are boring and outmoded. Majority CCRDA members are not happy with traditional service delivery of CCRDA

  • CCRDA Executive Director is a big liar to donors and to the so called board

  1. CCRDA Governance

Just out of courtesy, I personally summoned and discussed several times with some Board members about the professional conspiracy, nepotism, and misuse of Funds, power and CCRDA infrastructure (specially car) but to no avail .I recently I learned that some of CCRDA Board members are part of this sophisticated corruption network .

Following are some of the evidences which testify the misappropriation in CCRDA Governance

  • I witnessed the Board be turn blind eye in controlling ,nepotism, mismanagement and professional conspiracies committed against the very assets of the Organization because some of the board members strong interest and benefit relationship with the executive director ,PDMCT Director and FACT Director . They are strong relationship in securing funds came in the name of majority members organization .Attached how big funds repeatedly channeled to some of the board members and chair person .

  • There is strong nepotism starting from nomination of board members and election. .Board nomination is by relative and with minimal involvement of members NGOs .The GA meeting is held in sense urgency .The nomination board is carefully crafted by office of the executive director and who is who is loyal is identified and the rest mission is carefully implemented by the two assistant of the executive director with coaching of Executive director, FACT and PDMCT Director . CCRDA board is dominated by the same type of person and their network The nomination and election of board members tightly controlled by Executive Director and his administrative assistance. For Example rejection of Wz Bekelech Demissie from board nomine by calling her as if the board sit filled consequently during the GA meeting announced as if one person needed for board and consequently nominated Wz Mekdes Alemu and Wz Sofia G/yes for the board sit and elected Wz Mekdes Alemu This what CCRDA is .From the vary beginning who gave the mandate to Lemlem Kifle and Executive Director to involve to manipulate the election This why I arguing CCRDA is a conspired organization

  • Majority of big grants funding opportunities are channeled to some click board members otherwise to relatives of the Executive directors and some management members .Even non members NGOS accessed huge amount of fund from CCRDA .E.g !4 million birr Packard (non-member) fund, 54 million birr by Reedem the generation(CCRDA Board Chair ) 4 million birr by Live Addis and 1,234,726.00 birr PAI grant for CDBD (non-member).Attached letter of award

  • Majority big Grants are not disclosed to all members. Sometimes only small grants are announced Attached small grant call. I believe as far as all members are equal according to CCRDA bylaw all big grants and sub grants should be announced and disclosed for all members

  • Since majority of big grants channeled to CCRDA governance (some board ) I was able to witness there exist a conflict of interest. No room and confident for the secretariat staff employed to monitor and evaluate those projects channeled to CCRDA governance. For Example RIF fund of Minster of health channeled to the current board Chair , CORE Group channeled to AMREF (Board member ) ,JSI capacity building fund channeled Beletu Mengestu (ISHDO) and etc . Please attached the award letter

  • One of the biggest mistakes board members make under valuing secretariat staff

  • CCRDA Bord is a Fenj toy and Kangaro Board :Approval of any matters are without thorough discussion and without know how about current status of the secretariats. The Executive Director present his agenda and then board approved period. By the way all agenda and report presented to the board is fake and false .Not represent the real situation in the secretariat

  • Inability of CCRDA members NGOs in challenging the Executive during GA meeting to uphold rule of law and accountability .CCRDA GA meeting simply for formality .

  • Majority activities and repots presented to the board by the executive director fake and far from reality. It is approved by majority vote by some t board members nominated and elected by nepotism.

  • Majority of current board members are friends some of management staff .E.g 1. Between Wz Rahel G/Mariam (VESO) and Excutive director PDMCT Director and FACT Director Even Rahel is nominated for the Board by Semu ketema a friend of PDMCT Director 2. Between Executive PDMCT director and Melaku Sibat (Reedm the generation ) ,3. Between Mulugeta Geberu and CCRDA FACT Director ,4. Between Beletu Mengestu (ISHDO) and Executive Director FACT Director ,5. Between Fikru Tarkegn (Dorcas Aid ) and the Executive director .6 Executive director and Melaku Sebhat By the way all mentioned board members secured funds from different sources by using their position in Board and conspiring with executive Director by compromising interest of staff and even members NGOs

  • Governing body CCRDA is corrupt and nepotistic. They are cover-up all maladministration of the secretariats There exist strong relationship between few CCRDA Board members and CCRDA management members For example Wz Rahel G/Mariam from VESO and pervious CCRDA staff was nominated by Semu Ketema a friend of Yoseph Girma and Ato Melaku Sebat. Cuurently Semu Ketema and Ato Melaku Sebhat secured 54 million birr from CCRDA RIF fund by making collation with CCRDA By the way Yoseph Girma is CCRDA Program Development and management Team Director who currently manage RIF project fund. .Look how few segment of 400 members NGOs control the governing structure and project funds of CCRDA by conspiring each other For new elected board members you should have to know this is type of conspires are norm in CCRDA and exercised in everywhere

  • Some of Board members secured funds illegally by using their position in the board by compromising the interest of 400 CCRDA members

  • It is to be recalled that CCRDA primarily be a membership serving association that strives to enhance their access to the available services such as project funding, capacity building unfortunately, I am able to witness within a long period of our professional presence in this Organization, the funds came in the name of members like staff secondemnt , PACKARED , RIF, PAI and red cross channeled to few click one man NGOs and non members without formal call for proposal even without know how of CCRDA Members. Please read attached awarded letter .

  • CCRDA funds are a tool for some of the management to establish their click in the board and in members organization to secure their current position and cover up mala administration and humanitarian crime they are committed in the organization by compermising the needy

  • Illegally extension of Executive Director beyond his employment period and term limit by previous board chair Ato Mulugeta Geberu

  1. PIMCT

  • The data and information collected from members in the name of members contribution is not reliable, accurate, consistent and up-to-date . There is no mechanism s and sound methodology in verification of collected data and information about its relevance , accuracy and consistent. There is no sound methodology, validated by external sources, and analyzed within the proper contextual framework. Shame on donors funded these fake activities. Specially I advise EU-CSF, HAPCO DCA , Bread for the world Christian Aid and Action Aid away from funding this fake activates until what is going on investigated by Independent concerned body

  • The involvement of Executive Director without technical competence in CCRDA Information management worsens the reliability of member development contribution. By the way even if the executive director consider himself as if he has technical competence in every domain unfortunately I am able to witness differently which is his incompetence ,a blatant abuser of power, mismanagement, nepotism and misappropriation of his knowledge .He don’t know anything about current global Humanitarian technology and ethical practices of data collection analysis’s and interpretation of humanitarian data

  • The data and information collected by PIMCT is destroyed not natural its simple for reporting proposes to flatter the executive director by compromising. the needy which is deviated from humanitarian principle . According principles of humanitarian information management Information should never be used to distort, to mislead or to cause harm to affected or at risk populations and should respect the dignity of those affected. By the way commissioning of data analysis and interpretation not on merit based It is by relatives of the executive director otherwise special relation Shame on donors funded these fake activities. Specially I advise EU-CSF, HAPCO and DCA Christian Aid and Action Aid away from funding this fake data

  • Assignment of illiterate and unprofessional assistance in the resource center by Executive Director in a position needs high competence to buy loyalty t and to full fill his selfish interest

  • Low quality of publication : Every publication of CCRDA printed in Churuna printing press By the way owner of Churuna printing press is relative of FACT Director

  • Prolonged preparation for Good practice day and recognition of the same type of members every year .Even the selection of the best three is not transparent it is based on the interest of the Executive Director

  • Degraded OF PIMCT high Tec and other innovative services as compare to previous year

  • Blocking of information and current awareness services from staff by click unprofessional IT Technicians and continuous mischief on internet service & deliberately degrading of fast intent speed which is financed by Donors (HAP CO and Bread For the World ) .What CCRDA should know is we can’t bring development by denying information and Technology. This why I am arguing CCRDA is not humanitarian organization.

  • Robbery ICT infrastructure in the name of preventive maintenance, Clear ICT the computer technician, took out the properly functioning computers and printers to the maintenance room and inform the PIMCT Director as if the computers failed to function . Consequently, a purchasing order was made to procure highly .expensive computer and printers parts without pre-checking and assuring whether the computer needs spare -parts or not. Every staff will whiteness about this case. Recently I learned that involvement of FACT Director , PDMCT and executive director for all this mess Clear ICT and technician have support from management members . This is type of conspires are norm in CCRDA and exercised in everywhere .If you are against them they are an architect in quickly spoiling the name in front of the executive director. What they have to know is let alone spoil others they can’t save themselves.

  • Dissolution of Regional Resource center By Executive Director and FACT Director without consent of RC. Currently the whereabouts of the ICT infrastructure and other Items transported in two Car from regional offices unknown . I suspect that all the ICT infrastructure embezzled by CLEAR ICT and CCRDA IT technician By the way Regional Resource center was funded by HAPCO .

  • As inventory shows currently majority of PC and laptop used by the secretariat staffs are Lenovo donated by world bank .If this the case where about ICT items and accessories purchased throughout year .As CCRDA Financial information depicted in 2016 alone CCRDA expend above 1.5 million birr for ICT and related equipment

  1. Lesson Learnt CCRDA

  • Be loyal and Mr. yes to your boss

  • falsely is better than genuinely

  • old thinking than entrepreneuriall

  • lenience

  • self interested than Humanity

  • False report

  • Self employment than development

  • Loyalty than professionalism

  • Be loyal to be benefited

  1. Recommendation

Generally CCRDA system is undemocratic, corrupt, nepotism totalitarian and tyrannical, repressive organization. In all this my profession presences in CCRDA many question have been raised by staff in every retreat program but no single question never addressed by executive director. So I don’t have any recommendation. But I recommend CCRDA should leave its board representation in Federal Charity and Society Agency and CCRDA must be evaluated by independent body. Currently CCRDA not have a base and legitimacy to represent humanitarian organization and CSOs in Ethiopia .CCRDA is a PLC and one man NGOs

For all these Maladministration the so called Board and, Executive Director responsible and also 2 directors and few click staff benefitted illegally from the mony came in the needy also responsible

Finally I am not regret for what I have done All things what I have done is to make CCRDA a true humanitarian organization .Until today, no one had told the corrupt, lack of good governance and nepotism nature of this Organization and parasitic segment of this corporate nonprofit . Everybody turns blind eye including CCRDA Board. I committed myself tray to expose any wrong doing and misappropriation to make CCRDA as historical organization a better place for the next generation and above all to make CCRDA a center of excellence CSOs/NGOs community and exemplary for its members for what am proud and that I will cherish it and continue to fight . I can testify for all aforementioned maladministration in front donors, concerned government and even in front of Executive Director and Board if they want .

Note : I advise Donors away from funding this Corrupt Organization if you are really working for the disadvantage people until what is going on investigated by Independent concerned body

Hope . Justice will prevail soon

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