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CCRDA Board Assigned Ato Melaku Executive Director of Redeem the Generation as Chair person a clos

Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA) was established in 1973 as the first indigenousnon-govemmental umbrella Association in Ethiopia. CCRDA is a membership Association registered with the Ministry of justice in accordance with the provisions of the civil code of Ethiopia of 1960.

Pursuant to Proclamation 62112009 to provide for the Registration and Regulation of Charities and Societies , the former Christian Relief and Development Association (CRDA) was re-registered as Consortium of Christian Relief And Development Association (CCRDA) by Ethiopian Ministry of Justice Charities and Societies Agency as an Ethiopian Residents and Foreign Charities Consortium on Feb 8, 2010 and renewed again on May 02,2016 for three years.”


CCRDA board has appointed Ato Melaku (Executive by conspiring with CCRDA Executive Director and its click management according to source from the Secretariats Ato Melaku blamed by CCRDA members NGOs for using his position in the governing structure of the association to secure fun. According to this source appointment of Ato Melaku is a calculative move of Executive Director and Wr Tsehay Ademmassu to cover up a maladministration in the secretariat According source from RIF project Manager Ato Meleku secured big grant (RIF Ministry of health fund 54 million birr with partnered with OIC in which Ato Semu Ketema is Executive Directors a close friend of CCRDA Executive Director and pervious staff of CCRDA who secured Director position in OIC with the kind support of PACKARD a donor of both OIC and CCRDA . This testifies that how aid business in Ethiopia is controlled by a few segment of network of NGO Mafia cartel and close friend staff have been working in NGO sector for a long period said If you are against them you automatically terminated and fired Since It is really difficult to external audience to trace expose this complex network family aid business corruptions How many of Ethiopian Knows the owner of “Asham Africa Resort “ He was pervious country director of PACKAD said other NGO staff

According to the staff who currently monitor RIF project told to Ethiopia NGO Reporter blog its difficult to monitor the fund secured by the top governance of the consortium because of conflict of internet. . He said because of majority of big grant channeled to for the board members of CCRDA and confilect of interest, the monitoring and evaluation capacity monitoring officer of secretariats is minimal as a result false monitoring and evaluation , false activities reporting and fake budget utilization repot is a norm in every project of CCRDA according to Monitoring and Evaluation officer and resigned CCRDA finance officer. According to source from NGO community Redeem the Generation not have good reputation in the eyes of the public .The organization blamed for the misuse of funds came in the name of the need .for example where about 325,160.00 fund channeled from CCRDA to the organization for the purpose of Supplementary Polio Immunization activities in Afar Zone 1 & 3 Afar Regional State unknown according to leaked financial information from pervious CCRDA finance officer .According the officer , this fund wrongly settled with fake activity report . The driver assigned from CCRDA with Redeem Generation for this activity testify s this officer said .

The resigned CCRDA staff further a added his concern, the assignment of Ato Melaku who secured big grant who is also as Executive Committee CCRDA plus the current illegal activity of the secretariat further capitalize to the sector already has had distorted image among the public, the government and other development partner He added CCRDA is not an accountable .organization CCRDA funds and property are subject to embezzlement in a broder day light .E.g WHO fund, PACKARD, DCA, HAPCO, RIF, Bread for the World ,Gate foundation and etc (see Financial information and Fake Budget utilization and settlement in picture

.All staff agreed that for all this corruption and nepotism the Excusive Director ,Tsehay Adimassu and Ato Yoseph Girama are responsible specially Ato Yoseph Girama is a catalyst masterminded architect and NGO fund broker behind all this conspiracy The staff further adders CCRDA donors are also responsible for their Linacre and poor monitoring and evaluation of fund channeled to this alleged organization. According to internal source Ato Yoseph Girma blamed for termination of CCRDA long standing donors (IRISH Aid ,Geneva Global and Sida because of his inefficiency and incompetence . From the beginning Ato Yoseph Girma was hired with the kind support of Pervious Executive Director during sport for health football mach (Tena Budin) ,he was not hired in merit based and formal recruitment procedure .this why he is always living in CCRDA by conspiracy other staff said . This staff also further added pervious and some current Chairperson and members also responsible for turn blind eye in controlling, corruption, nepotism, mismanagement and professional conspiracies committed in the Organization we are working in the staff said .They are the primary responsible for the misconduct happened in CCRDA.

Fertile area of corruption in CCRDA Projects .The blog will release the secret behind all this projects

David &Lucil Packard Foundation - Reproductive Health program

GAW CCRDA immunization Child health

GAVI/CSR - Health Fourm Strengthening Project

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Global Fund / Begara Malaria Free Society

Core INK new borne pilot project expenditure

CGPP - Improve Monitoring and Supervision

CSSP - Economic Empowerment for Vulnerable groups

FHAPCO - Global Fund

IVI- project cost

Population Action International


DCA Denish Church aid

Christain Aid

Action Aid

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