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23 million birr grant from FHAPCO on “Enhancing CSOs contribution in the National HIV/AIDS response

According to the undisclosed source from CCRDA about 23 million birr grant from FHAPCO on “Enhancing CSOs contribution in the National HIV/AIDS responses” which was partially allocated to cover project/program officers salary for member organizations get diverted to individual pocket. “ From the very beginning why the FHAPCO allocated such amount of money to salaried and enriched wealth NGOS while the government struggling to address the dire issue of youth employments” staff working in this project and currently resigned because of maladministration said . According to this project staff majority of this project fund used to hire relatives and close friend of the Excusive Di

rector and two members of the management namely wro Tsehay Adimassu and Yoseph Giram

It is really irritating, the fund is completely used to buy client that should have been used for development purposes she said . She added the primary responsible for the embezzlement of this project is the Executive Director ,Tsehay Adimassu and Yoseph Girma .”I also suspected that there are individual from donor side involved in this complex corruption network and it is up to the government to investigate further”. she said V

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