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ድርጅቱ በየወሩ ከተለያዩ የውስጥ ገቢዎች የሚያገኘው ገቢ ጋር በተገናኘ የሚፈፀም ወጀለል በተመለከተ

እነደሚታወቀው የበጎ አድራጎት ድርጅቶችን ማህበራት ህብረት መመሪያ መሰረት ህብረቶች ከተለያዩ የውስጥ ገቢዎች የሚያገኙትን በአባል ድርጅቶች በኩል ለተጠቃሚ ህብረተሰብ እንደሚሰጥ ይደነግጋል፡፡ ሆኖም CCRDA ውስጥ እስካሁን ድረስ ይህ ተፈፃሚ ሲሆን አላየንም፡፡ ይባሱንም ድርጅቱ ከውስጥ ጊቢ የሚያገኘው የጥቂቶች መበልፀጊያ መሆኑን ነው፡፡ የክርስቲያን በጎ አድራጎትና ልማት ማህበራት ህብረት በዓመት ከሚሰበሰባቸው የውስጥ ገቢዎች ውስጥ

ይገኛል፡፡ ሆኖም እስካሁን ከነዚህ ውስጥ ገቢ ስንት እንደተገኘ ምን ላይ እንደዋለ በገለልተኛ አካል በውል ተጣርቶ እንዲታወቅ በተደጋጋሚ ሠራተኛው ቢያቀርብም የተሰጠ ምላሽ የለም፡፡ ከዚህም በከፋ ጥያቄውን ያነሱት ሰራተኞች የመባረር ዕጣ ነው የገጠማቸው፡፡ ስለዚህ መንግስት እነዚህን የህዝብ ሀብት ለግል ጥቅማቸው ያዋሉትን ህግ ፊት እንዲያቀርባቸው እንጠይቃለን

March 10, 2017

Ref. FMT//17

TAY & Co.

Chartered Certified Accountants & Authorized auditors

P.O. Box 1335

where is this openion in the aduit report

Re: Clarifications on issues raised on the 2016 audit

Dear Sirs,

Following our discussions with your senior officials, we would like to provide you the following clarifications:

  1. The difference between the fixed assets year end count and fixed assets schedule included in the statement of account is due to the following as explained in the year 2014 Management letter clarification and now again included in Section Two: Report on Other legal and regulatory requirements section, item number 3(a) of the 2016 audit report:

  • The existence of old and obsolete fixed assets which have been received in kind from donors and included either in the register book or the record balance which have been problems since long time and currently difficult to trace and need a long time and money. The amount of this difference is about Birr 50,000 among the total Book value of Birr 9.8 million as shown in the financial report of December 31, 2016.

  • We have requested the Charities and Societies Agency repeatedly to discard these obsolete and old fixed assets, as per the new guideline for discarding properties, we have not yet received responses which could help us to adjust our register or record balances

  1. Sub – grantee receivable of birr 3,677,012.94 reported as long outstanding :

  • Out of this amount, Birr 2,184,313 represents funds released to our member organization, Hararghe Catholic Secretariat for the implementation of polio eradication program in the years 2014 and 2015. The implementing partner has confirmed that the project was implemented accordingly but advance settlement documents have not been submitted to CCRDA due to staff turnover. Their email message have been sent through your email address. They also confirmed to present liquidation documents in the year 2017

  • Birr 596,738.97 is the remaining balance from project advance released to AMREF on 26.8.2016 for the implementation of GAVI immunization project; It’s not long outstanding since the life of most projects is from three to five years

  • EECMY – DASSC has submitted expenditure documents for birr 166,501.03 and liquidated in the year 2017

  • Wolaita Development Association and South Ethiopia Peoples Developments Association have confirmed to submit expenditure documents for birr 521,275.08 and Birr 34,404.36 respectively

  1. Staff receivable accounts of birr 231,654.84 reported as long outstanding:

  • Dr. Filimona Bisrat has paid Birr 6,789.95 in cash on 10.03.2017

  • Birr 7,873.36 will be deducted from termination benefits of Senait Yilma upon submission of clearance

  • Million Shibeshi settled birr ----------- by document in 2017 and birr 12,000 provided for one year loan in December 2016 will be deducted from his salary during 2017

  • Deribe Mamo has settled birr ------- by document in 2017 and birr --------- will be deducted from his salary during 2017

  • Adugna Megerssa has paid birr 32,887.28 in cash and deducted from his salary in January and February 2017. Birr 15,610.68 will be deducted from his salary during 2017

  • Amare Dessalegne has confirmed to settle birr 72,193.62 in March 2017. If not, CCRDA will take legal action as per its internal policy.

We would therefore, like to kindly request you to consider the above clarifications and take them out from the management letter and section two of your report item numbers “3(a)’ and 6(c) respectively.

Yours sincerely,

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