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Stealing From The Poor

How Aid money gets diverted to enrich to individual by NGO Mafia Cartel in Ethioipa

Dedicated Ethiopia NGO Reporter staff has partnered with the NGO Times\ and the Center for Investigative Reporting journalist in Ethiopia to showcase the results of their yearlong investigation on Ethiopia Worst Charities .The full document will be leased son .Miss it

Ethiopia NGO reporter already received 8 years leaked CCRDA financial information from pervious CCRD Finance staff because of  big amount of data  we can’t publish all at the same time we will release one by one to Ethiopia public   how aid money used for freewheeling, lifestyle, power, prestige and expose corruption of the multimillion dollar aid business

Ethiopia NGO reporter already received 8 years leaked CCRDA financial information from pervious CCRD Finance staff because of  big amount of data  we can’t publish all at the same time we will release one by one to Ethiopia public   how aid money used for freewheeling, lifestyle, power, prestige and expose corruption of the multimillion dollar aid business

 staff unveil the biggest corruption scandals    in the history of NGOS  in Ethiopia .

Until today, no one had tallied the corrupt and nepotism nature

this parasitic segment of this Corporate nonprofit-CCRDA or traced the its years history of its worst offenders. Everybody turns blind eye including CCRDA Board

After new Charity and Society proclamation no charity in the

nation has siphoned and taped more money away from the needy

over a longer period of time

We are grateful to dedicated staff for sharing this valuable undetectable information and evidence    with us by putting their job security in danger above all   for unveiling  vary cleverly every dollars of came in the name of the needy and   Dying children   gets diverted to r undetectable personal enrichment”  ."  This money was came in the name of dying   Childrens  who have no say  

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